Тетнулди» будет одним из лучших курортов в Восточной Европе - заявил п tłumaczenie - Тетнулди» будет одним из лучших курортов в Восточной Европе - заявил п angielski jak to powiedzieć

Тетнулди» будет одним из лучших кур

Тетнулди» будет одним из лучших курортов в Восточной Европе - заявил премьер министр-Грузии

21 февраля 2016 года премьер-министр Грузии Георгий Квирикашвили открыл горнолыжный курорт «Тетнулди».

Как отметил Георгий Квирикашвили в беседе с журналистами, на территории «Тетнулди» функционирует одна лыжная трасса и одна канатка, до конца года же планируется введение в эксплуатацию еще 3-х дополнительных канатных дорог.

«Это будет один из лучших курортов не только в Грузии, а в Восточной Европе. Кроме того, планируем сделать дополнительную канатку, которая свяжет базу «Тетнулди» с селом Мулахи. Также обязательно будет сделана дорога, связывающая Кутаиси со Сванетией через Цагери-Лентехи. За два часа с Кутаисского аэропорта можно будет попасть на курорт «Тетнулди», - отметил Георгий Квирикашвили.

Лыжная трасса «Тетнулди» будет самой длинной в Закавказье по протяженности – 9,5 км и с самым большим вертикальным падением – 1,7 км. Курорт рассчитан как для лыжников-любителей, так и профессионалов.

В целях популяризации курорта на направлении Местия-Тетнулди, Тетнулди-Местия назначен автобус, который будет обслуживать туристов бесплатно. В течение всего сезона канатка также будет бесплатной.

Строительство «Тетнулди» началось в мае 2014 года и завершилось в январе 2016 года. Курорт находится на высоте 2 200 м над уровнем моря и расположен в 15 км от Местии.
Z języków takich jak: rosyjski
Na język: angielski
Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Tetnuldi "will be one of the best resorts in Eastern Europe-said the Prime Minister-GeorgiaFebruary 21, 2016, Prime Minister of Georgia, Giorgi Kvirikashvili opened ski resort "tetnuldi".As noted by George Kvirikashvili told reporters, on the territory of "tetnuldi" operates one ski trail and one great, until the end of the year the same planned commissioning 3 more extra cable cars. "It will be one of the best resorts not only in Georgia, but in Eastern Europe. In addition, plan to make extra kanatku, which connects the base "tetnuldi" the village of Mulakhi. Also sure to be taken the road linking Kutaisi with Svanetia through Tsageri-Lentekhi. Two hours from Kutaisi airport you will get on resort "tetnuldi", said Giorgi Kvirikashvili.Ski piste "tetnuldi" will be the longest in Transcaucasia on length-9.5 km and with the highest vertical drop is 1.7 km. The resort is designed both for skiers amateurs and professionals.In order to popularize the resort on the direction of mestia-Tetnuldi, Tetnuldi-mestia appointed bus, which will cater to tourists for free. Throughout the season there will also be a great free.Construction of "tetnuldi" began in May and ended the year 2014 in January 2016 onwards. The resort is situated at an altitude of 2 200 m above sea level and is located at 15 km from Bucharest.
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Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
Tetnuldi "will be one of the best resorts in Eastern Europe - said the Prime Minister, Georgia February 21, 2016 Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili opened ski resort" Tetnuldi. " According to Giorgi Kvirikashvili told journalists on the territory of" Tetnuldi "operates one ski track and a cableway, up to the end of the year it is planned to put into operation another 3 additional cable cars. "This will be one of the best resorts not only in Georgia, but in Eastern Europe. In addition, we plan to make additional cable car, which will connect the base "Tetnuldi" the village Mulakhi. Also, the road will be made ​​mandatory, binding Kutaisi to Svaneti Tsageri-Lentekhi through. Two hours from Kutaisi airport can get to the resort "Tetnuldi" - said Giorgi Kvirikashvili. The ski run "Tetnuldi" will be the longest in the South Caucasus in length - 9.5 km, and the largest vertical drop - 1.7 km. The resort is designed for amateur skiers and professionals. In order to popularize the resort in the direction of Mestia-Tetnuldi, Tetnuldi spaces assigned bus, which will be free of tourists. Throughout the season the cableway will also be free. Building "Tetnuldi" began in May 2014 and was completed in January 2016. The resort is situated at an altitude of 2 200 meters above sea level and is located 15 km from the site.

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Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
тетнулди» will be one of the best resorts in eastern europe, said prime minister of georgia21 february 2016 the prime minister of georgia, george квирикашвили opened ski resort "тетнулди».as noted by george квирикашвили in an interview with reporters, in the territory of the тетнулди» operates a ski slope and one канатка, until the end of the year will be the introduction of another three additional cableways."it will be one of the best resorts not only in georgia, and eastern europe. in addition, we plan to make additional канатку, which will connect the base with the тетнулди» village мулахи. also have made the road linking kutaisi with сванетией in tsageri and lentekhi. for two hours to get to the airport from kutaisi a. can be тетнулди» resort ", said george квирикашвили.ski track "тетнулди» will be the longest in the transcaucasus to length is 9.5 km and the largest vertical drop is 1.7 km. the resort is designed for skiers, amateurs and professionals.in order to promote the resort on the direction местия - тетнулди, тетнулди - местия appointed bus, which will serve the tourists free of charge. during the whole season канатка will also be free of charge.the construction of the "тетнулди» started in may and ended in january 2014, 2016. the resort is situated at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level and is located 15 km from the местии.
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